Monday, April 12, 2010

Your suggestions for cheap auto insurance for teenagers

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Most guys look at the car insurance can be found that the rates for car insurance for teenagers can be very high. But higher prices do not in general, although it is still possible to find cheap car insurance for teenagers, you know where.

Car insurance is designed for young people to protect especially young drivers. It differs from other insurance only that it is usually a higher interest rate. Sojust why is this?

Teenage drivers are inexperienced. They may have passed their test, but they are still new to driving. To an insurer this means that the likelihood of them having an accident is quite high. Now you could argue that anybody no matter what their age who just passes their driving test is a liability. However statistically that is not the case and that is what insurers look at.

Teenage drivers are twice as likely to have an accident within their first year of driving, than a driver over the age of 25. There are a number of reasons for this. The main one is that teenagers do tend to drive faster and are a little more recklessly. Passing your test gives you freedom and it can be exciting driving along as fast as possible whilst listening to the car stereo. Not all teenage drivers will do this, but statistically that is what insurers find. So because teenagers are statistically more likely to have an accident, teen car insurance is often fairly expensive.

What You Can Do To Get Cheap Car Insurance for Teens?

Apart from higher rates, you still have the same options as any other driver when it comes to car insurance policy. You can choose to take out basic third party insurance, or you could add additional extras if you would prefer. For example, would you like to be protected in case your car gets stolen? You may automatically assume that this protection is included in your car

Tags : Digital Frame auto ins quote Consolidate loan refinance student

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